Top 10 Fashion Bloggers from Singapore

Who doesn’t like to be a fashionista? Fashion is a topic that attracts people like bees being attracted to the flower. This is mainly because almost all loves to be trendy and updated on the changing styles of the industry and even try it upon themselves to look better and some even to turn heads. For some fashion is all about going on a shopping splurge to relax. If you are a lover of shopping, then there are many places out there where you would love to indulge in shopping. If you want to check them out all you need to do is check out a blogger especially Singapore bloggers.  
Singapore is one of the best place to indulge in shopping and is even known as the shopping paradise. While Singapore is famous for its tourist attractions, another thing that attracts many are the head turning fashion styles this city brings out every year. Their fashion trends always hold a place on the red carpet. In fact, there are many Singapore bloggers who write on Fashion and their pages are quite a site to be seen. They inspire you to be a better version of yourselves with the bright colors and varieties.
Fashion is a term that is not limited to any gender. Men and women equally love to be in trends. While getting in a shopping indulge in various parts of the world might not always be an option, checking out bloggers who specialize on the niche can be. There are many bloggers out there who would give you a total make over. Check out some of the Singapore bloggers if you need an Asian makeover or some of the American and European ones, if you wanna go all western. In the end your efforts to look better will never be in drains.

1. Beautiful Buns

Instagram Handle: @beautifulbuns_sg

2. Hannah Chia

Instagram Handle: @mshannahchia

3. Parade of Love

Instagram Handle: @paradeoflove 

4. Roseanne Tangrs

Instagram Handle: @roseannetangrs

5. Love For Skin Care

Instagram Handle: @loveforskincare

6. The Beauty Desk

Instagram Handle: @smitadesouza


Instagram Handle: @dblchin

8. Belly Welly Jelly

Instagram Handle: @bellywellyjelly 

9. Xin Lin

Instagram Handle: @xinlinn 

10. Celine Chiam

Instagram Handle: @chiamhuiy

11. June De Jour

Instagram Handle: @junedujour 

12. Beautybyrah

Instagram Handle:  @beautybyrah

13. Vivian Tian

Instagram Handle: @veeviisme

14. Katelyn Tan Hui Ping

Instagram Handle: @katelyntanhuiping

15. Fionna Seah

Instagram Handle: @amelieseah

16. Beauty Affair

Instagram Handle: @sparklyfaerie

17. Blog For Beauty

Facebook Handle: @blogforbeauty

18. Ju Ann

Instagram Handle: @ngjuann

19. Viva Woman

Instagram Handle: @sesamechew

20. Makeup Stash

Instagram Handle: @makeupstash

21. Sweetest Sins

Instagram Handle: @yongwei318

22. Ice Frost Diary

Instagram Handle: @iamicefrost

23. Ena Teo

Instagram Handle: @ena_teo

24. Yina Goh

Instagram Handle: @yinagoh

25. Yvonne Sim

Instagram Handle: @simyvonne

26. Musical Houses

Instagram Handle: @musicalhouses

27. Jamie Tan

Instagram Handle: @jamietyj

28. The Leiav

Instagram Handle: @shanthiarumugam

29. Karen Ashley

Instagram Handle: @renzze

30. Qi Yun

Instagram Handle: @qiyunz

31. Juliana Stryker

Instagram Handle: @ilovebunnynet 

32. Cyndi Soh Xinyi

Instagram Handle: @xinyicyndisoh 

33. B For Bun Bun

Instagram Handle: @bforbunbun 

34. Mongchin Yeoh

Instagram Handle: @mongabong

35. Speishi

Instagram Handle: @speishi